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friends of friends opens at current work contemporary art, slc

Aug 19, 2022

USU Photo professors Fazilat Soukhakian and Jared Ragland have works included in Friends of Friends, the inaugural show at Current Work Contemporary Art, a contemporary gallery and fine art consulting located Salt Lake City’s Granary District. The exhibition runs Aug. 19–Sept. 30.

From the press release:
Friends of Friends is a show about the communities we build through doing the things we love most. Eight artists working with a variety of mediums were each asked to recommend another artist whose work they admire. The result is a glimpse into how quickly our connections expand, creating new relationships across state and national borders. The show runs through Sept. 30 and features works by Kelly Breez, Cara Despain, Nic Courdy, Michael Ryan Handley, Amber Heaton, Colour Maisch, Benny Merris, Kristen Mitchell, Sofía Ortiz, Jared Ragland, Fazilat Soukhakian, John Sproul, Jared Steffensen, Lane Twitchell, Gary Vlasic, and Charles Edward Williams.

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