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hamish jackson publishes tintype, ceramic work in studio potter magazine

Dec 16, 2023

Wet-plate collodion tintype by Hamish Jackson, MFA ‘23

Congrats to USU MFA grad Hamish Jackson, who has published an article in Studio Potter Magazine.  In “Wild Glazes from Your Backyard" Jackson discusses the research he conducted in Devils Playground, Utah to extract local rock sourced for custom pottery glazes. Jackson also worked in photography as part of his MFA studies and made a series of wet-plate collodion tintypes to document the remote landscape.

Mentored by USU photo professor Jared Ragland, the two traveled to Devils Playground in early Spring 2023 where, after weathering a brief snow storm, they converted a Bureau of Land Management pit latrine into a working darkroom and made tintypes on site.  

Read the article here:

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