recent highlights:

  • jim mangan visits usuphoto
  • lele bonizzi wins usu robins award talent of the year
  • senior bfa students open capstone exhibition, ‘unleaded’
  • prof. ragland exhibits in houston, chicago, tampa
  • usuphoto at spe
  • prof. soukhakian solo exhibition at blue sky

alumna bailey rigby interviewed by 15bytes

Dec 19, 2023

Revelation, from the series, The Study of Last Things, by Bailey Rigby, BFA ‘23

Congrats to USU Photo alumna Bailey Rigby (BFA ‘23), on a great interviewed by 15bytes, in which she discusses her BFA thesis project and talks life and art making after graduation, as well as her new gig at SLC’s Modern West gallery.  

Read the interview here: Graduation, Employment and Work: Bailey Rigby’s 2023

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